There have been a lot of questions about why $1 pledges count the same toward increasing a members rank within the Club as a higher dollar pledge. So, here is the rationale as to why we chose number of backed projects (irregardless of pledge amount).
First, we are aware that just having a big number of backed projects isn't the only factor that determines a backers seriousness. Yet, the fact remains that backing a project at any level, even $1 is a big help to project creators. And, as a community that is what we are about. Having run a number of campaigns myself, I can honestly say that KS backers usually don't realize how much a $1 or $5 thank-you pledge helps. It helps in at least 4 ways: 1) the greater the number of people who back a project, the more it encourages others to back 2) someone who backs even at $1 is another potential person to help spread the word through social media and in their own personal networks, 3) it is another person getting the project updates and who might respond to calls to action later in the campaign, 4) a backer is a backer in the eyes of the KS popularity ranking algorithm and so as a project creator it is wonderful to see someone put in a $1 pledge when they like a project, because even if the $1 itself doesn't make a huge difference toward their funding goal, it can give them more visibility on the KIckstarter site which in turn likely will result in more money being pledged.
So, given all the reasons why a pledge of any dollar amount is so helpful to projects, we felt it was a good number to try and encourage growth in.
Mark - Co-Founder
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Thanks Mark 

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Social media coach @turner_tasha
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Social media coach @turner_tasha
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Thanks for explaining that. I used to only back projects that I wanted to either receive the rewards, or receive updates about. But after joining BackerClub I started backing things for 1$ just to help them out (no real interest in the project) and started feeling super guilty about it, though I justified it to myself as "I'm helping raise awareness about this project, and even so, it's a 1$ donation with no reward at all." So it's good to hear that it helps (from a creator's perspective).
I only discovered most of those benefits just before becoming a member and wish I had known earlier. The other thing that it does for the backer is give you a way of tracking a project you like but can not afford just now and may be able to either join the campaign later or purchase from them post Kickstarter.
In all honesty I have thrown way too much money at KS projects however I think some of my $1-$10 pledges have done as much or more than my two $1000 pledges. Both of the latter I some what regret.
In all honesty I have thrown way too much money at KS projects however I think some of my $1-$10 pledges have done as much or more than my two $1000 pledges. Both of the latter I some what regret.
Thanks Mark.
Before being a "full" (>50 projects) member, I backed about 3-4 projects at 1$ as a way to receive news + having a way to connect to the creator in the future.
Example: ... ower-plant
Yesterday I got in touch with them (I sent them my survey) and they were interested in my profile (logic) but I have no expedition planned in the coming 8 months or more wher eI could use their device (so sponsoring not possible). However I gave them 2 contacts of explorers who they could sponsor directly and have very worthy and matching projects.
I'll surely continue my 2 hours per week to browse IGG and KS projects (Tech, Design, Environment, Photo) and if I like a project give a few dollars.
Before being a "full" (>50 projects) member, I backed about 3-4 projects at 1$ as a way to receive news + having a way to connect to the creator in the future.
Example: ... ower-plant
Yesterday I got in touch with them (I sent them my survey) and they were interested in my profile (logic) but I have no expedition planned in the coming 8 months or more wher eI could use their device (so sponsoring not possible). However I gave them 2 contacts of explorers who they could sponsor directly and have very worthy and matching projects.
I'll surely continue my 2 hours per week to browse IGG and KS projects (Tech, Design, Environment, Photo) and if I like a project give a few dollars.
Best Regards Louis-Philippe (LouPhi), #BeCrowdF,
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Hi, I'm new here, but that was really cool to note — that $1 pledges do help. Makes me feel a bit better about my "addiction" and also less compulsive about not backing unless the project looks like it will succeed. Thanks, Mark!
If you really want to help a creator then imo what counts is getting involved in the campaign yourself in a campaign, showing you actually care about it and getting it to the next level, helping the creator by sharing knowledge, giving positive criticism, honest feedback and attract potential backers who 'follow' you as a serial backers and doing cross references in other threads?
Wouldn't you say that besides the 1) number of pledges and 2) pledge amount what ultimately takes the project of the ground is 3) the input by posting comments
Why not ask @creator to list the 3 backers who - in his/her opinion - have been most helpful to the growth of the project, be it in number of pledges (quantity) and/or feedback/comments and time and effort put IN the campaign (quality)?
My 2cts
PS: I can't believe there are 7* backerclub members with less than 60 comments in their profile ("where's the merchandise?") earning many credits without even helping the creator or other backers for a bit. Collecting the credits and even lower the pledge amount to $1 just before closing time? Split and run tactics. Uhuh.....
Wouldn't you say that besides the 1) number of pledges and 2) pledge amount what ultimately takes the project of the ground is 3) the input by posting comments
Why not ask @creator to list the 3 backers who - in his/her opinion - have been most helpful to the growth of the project, be it in number of pledges (quantity) and/or feedback/comments and time and effort put IN the campaign (quality)?
My 2cts
PS: I can't believe there are 7* backerclub members with less than 60 comments in their profile ("where's the merchandise?") earning many credits without even helping the creator or other backers for a bit. Collecting the credits and even lower the pledge amount to $1 just before closing time? Split and run tactics. Uhuh.....
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I get personal notes thanking me for the little things I do like comment on updates throughout the project. I've also gotten a number of surprise extras with a note from creators thanking me for all the things I did beyond backing: sharing, participating in comments, getting others to participate, as well as advice I've provided.
Some people are into what they can get. Others are into the community part. Others are into seeing creators and companies succeed. Some it's different for different projects. Backers are not monolithic. A number of backers belong to every club out there and try to get multiple perks on a campaign. Others forgo perks to help a struggling campaign. Others are committed to a single club.
We each have our own reasons for being drawn to crowdfunding and everyone's finances are different.
Today I looked at my Kickstarter profile and realized I needed to change my "signature" when contact with creators happens as I'd jumped in number of projects backed to over 1,600. Kinda took me by surprise. I'd say my greatest impact 80% of the time has been projects I've backed under $15.
Some people are into what they can get. Others are into the community part. Others are into seeing creators and companies succeed. Some it's different for different projects. Backers are not monolithic. A number of backers belong to every club out there and try to get multiple perks on a campaign. Others forgo perks to help a struggling campaign. Others are committed to a single club.
We each have our own reasons for being drawn to crowdfunding and everyone's finances are different.
Today I looked at my Kickstarter profile and realized I needed to change my "signature" when contact with creators happens as I'd jumped in number of projects backed to over 1,600. Kinda took me by surprise. I'd say my greatest impact 80% of the time has been projects I've backed under $15.
Backed over 3,700 Kickstarters
Social media coach @turner_tasha
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Backed over 3,700 Kickstarters
Social media coach @turner_tasha
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Could you provide some reasoning behind this? Why a ratio? I'm against the levels altogether mind you as I don't see a reason to be competitive. I'm just curious as to your reasoning.goldo72 wrote:I think there should be some kind of ratio instead. Like a pledge could give a point, and maybe an extra point for every 50$ or 100$.
Backed over 3,700 Kickstarters
Social media coach @turner_tasha
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Backed over 3,700 Kickstarters
Social media coach @turner_tasha
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