I apologize if I repeat what other's have already said. Additionally, I apologize for the length.
The 3 things that I focus on when looking at all campaigns:
- Title
- Thumbnail
- Short Description
Throughout Kickstarter, each page shows only those 3 things about each campaign. If these don't interest me, I move on.
The Two Functional Fibers (TFF) Sock doesn't sound very catchy to me. The rename/marketing suggestion I have is:
ALMI Pro-formance Sock (APS).
I notice several shots of the sock (including this one) look weird with the back side edited out. If there is a reason behind this, I think the angles should've been changed so that the socks look normal.
This looks very dull with little colour. Even if the product is in neutral colours, than change the background by showing them being used in real-life places (as this is an IRL product). The name of the product should be listed on it, but don't put too much information because it's easy to overcrowd the image. Keep in mind that the image will be shown in various sizes across Kickstarter, on various devices.
Using Google Chrome's Developer Tools, I viewed the campaign through the Device toolbar (which simulates various devices that have a smaller screen than a desktop).
I also viewed the campaign page on my smartphone to confirm the accuracy of my concerns, and the results match:
- On smaller screens, text located in images is shrunk too small to read easily
- Too many GIFs
- GIFs take longer to load
- GIFs are overused

The 360° GIF of the sock is really neat, however, the 3 points disappear too quickly.
I much prefer the following image (and I think it should be moved up on the campaign page) where the features are neatly shown around the sock:

The socks are not shown, or barely shown, in the above images. Neither are really necessary.
I really like visual aids, but they shouldn't distract/detract from your campaign. I wouldn't showcase the socks with (clearly identifiable) NIKE sneakers.
Your pictures should advertise your product and your product alone, unless you have a partnership with another company.
This Venn Diagram isn't necessary because this information is already listed in other places, such as the
wonderful image showing the various features.
The blue swirl adds no value to the image and the sock doesn't really either. For the Technology section, I want to learn more about the materials and the procedures/techniques used.
What makes these socks different from the ones I can buy in a store, or order online? The images contained in the GIF are close to the types of shots that I want to see in the thumbnail, but the rest of the image has little value.
While it's nice to see the socks being worn, it's only for a very small fraction of the whole GIF. The snapshot of the socks being worn, and the text, are the only things that should be saved from this image.
Comparing the length/thicknesses is an excellent idea! Just don't depict it with boring lines.
Save the text (and post it as text). Using the same foot, compare the 3 socks side-by-side (like the
Technology GIF ) in a nice large image, without the rectangles in the background.
It would've been nice to see
full sock samples of each of the 3 colours before having to scroll down this far.
These are for Women too?! I had no idea. I've only seen one woman and she was in the
Silver-Anti Odor GIF.
The timeline looks nice.I don't like the title of Design & Timeline though. I think Design & Technology would fit better together.
Personally, I don't pay much attention to reviews. It's not easy to verify their validity. 5 star rating looks silly.
Load time could be greatly reduced by removing both review GIFs.
A little bio about everyone is always appreciated. What experience does each person have? What are some of their achievements?
Usually by this point I would've watched the video, but I'm going to quickly review the funding goal and pledges tiers first.
I think a goal of US$8,000 is attainable. I like that there are additional savings for buying in bulk. Without seeing Shipping costs, it's tough to give any additional feedback on pricing.
After spending too many hours typing, I finally watched the video. Now I know where most of those GIFs/images came from - but still not necessary on the campaign page.
The campaign page feels heavily male dominated, while the video feels a lot more balanced.
I thought the video was well done and good enough to do the job.
My 2 final suggestions:
- Team members shown/talk in video
- Footage of socks being assembled