Mediocre Monster

Anything related to Kickstarter
Doktor J
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:16 pm

Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:05 pm

I backed Mediocre Monster when it came through my BackerClub email, and the more I look at it and think about it, the more I think this game deserves more attention (and your backing!). Just in case you missed it, stop on by the BackerClub page for Mediocre Monster!

I'm not even a JRPG fan (which I think is their "target audience") but the concept behind the game is great -- basically, all the random encounter beasties that your JRPG heroes "slay" aren't actually evil, nor do they actually get killed... instead it's all an elaborate act by professional monsters who basically fake the whole combat thing to help heroes feel good about themselves, level up, and get items. As one of said monsters, it's your job to act hurt when they attack, respond appropriately to their spells and effects, and play dead convincingly (while remembering to drop loot).

They've got a lot of animations and stuff going, and if that's all in-game graphics (not 100% sure on that count, but seems plausible) they're already doing quite well on the development.

Seriously, just check out their page, watch the trailer, and then throw your money at them :D