Greetings from UK

Welcome to the Club. Say "Hi!"
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:25 am

Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:38 am

Hey guys! Thanks for accepting me in the community :) the feedback has been great already ! As a backer my self what I enjoy most in crowdfunding is projects that bring people together trying for one cause ... I mostly back film and video projects but if something is eye-catching I do give it a chance :) I have backed around 70 projects (not as many as you have) and I remember that the first and most exciting project was a documentary which started really bad with almost no hope at all and towards the end they exceeded the goal :)

As a filmmaker I believe that film has a power to do some significant social change amongst its other aspects (entertainment etc)

Once more thank you, and see you around :)