Ral Partha’s Chaos Wars Wave 2:   Dwarves, Troglodytes, and the Undead

Here are some new videos, showcasing our miniatures:

Individual Troops & Characters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1VWQbtuBeY

Dragons & Monsters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlWgY66v1f8

Regiments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJBXtYdlNCQ

For more info on the Chaos Wars game and our miniatures, please visit:




There is only 1 pledge level that receives product… The level only costs you $5 (plus shipping), and get you a copy of the new Vampire Queen sculpt by Julie Guthrie.

There are also over 200 different Add-Ons that you can choose to include in your order. Images of everything can be found below, and here is a downloadable Excel spreadsheet to help you:  http://www.ralpartha.com/index.php/downloads/68-ks2-product-list 

Just look thru the choices available below (or on the spreadsheet), and make yourself a shopping list. Then add up the total price.

Shipping will be determined by the total cost of the pledge. We have approximated the shipping weight based on price and location.

When you go thru the process of selecting your reward, simply enter the price that you calculated (including all Add Ons and shipping cost).

Once the funding period ends, a survey will be sent around to everyone, and you simply select the SKUs for the items you wish to receive.If there is any discrepancy in the dollar amounts between what you have pledged, and the total price, we will resolve it then.

Reminder:As this Kickstarter is successful, more and more new and classic miniatures will be unlocked as Stretch Goals are met.Be sure to check in from time to time throughout the campaign, to see if anything you like has become available.

The 48 different Stretch Goals are listed below, and they will be marked as ‘unlocked’ as we reach their goals.


In this example, I want to get the following items:

The steps I take:

  1. For my own personal use, I record the SKUs, so I can give them to IWM later, when the survey is sent around.

  2. I make sure to include the Basic Pledge Level Reward ($5).

  3. I add up the individual prices to get the Subtotal.

  4. I check my Subtotal against the Shipping Cost Info (found above) to determine the cost of shipping.

  5. By adding my Subtotal and the cost of Shipping, I have my pledge amount.



These assortments offer the most miniatures for the lowest price per mini.  The higher the dollar amount, the better the deal.

If you are choosing either to name a Dwarf Adventurer or Undead Warlord, please send a message through the KickStarter, or email us at [email protected] to let us know which SKU to save for you.  The miniatures will be  claimed on a first-come first-served basis.  


Monsters, War Machines, and additional regiments to add to your Armies.

Note:  The Balloon portion of the 98-814 Dwarf Air Ship is cast in a compressed foam, which keeps the proper shape, but is also much lighter than other materials.  All other parts are metal.    The Air Ship will also come with a pair of Dwarf Crossbowmen.


As we reach the funding threshold for each Stretch Goal, the corresponding miniatures will become available to add to your order.

If we go beyond the $100,000 mark, we have a really exciting plan to commission new sculpts, and kickstarter backers will get to pitch the concepts and then vote on which ideas get sculpted.More details on this will be forthcoming if we get close to the mark. 


Unlike last time, we will not be holding everything to ship at once.Honestly, the boxes of cast miniatures piling up everywhere made it a bit difficult to get work done.So, as we have enough miniatures cast to fulfill orders, we will start shipping them out.When you get your package, it will have everything you ordered in it.We are just going to start shipping some sooner than others.There will be no particular order to reward fulfillment.High dollar, small dollar, early order, late order… makes no difference.We’ll probably shuffle the invoices and start fulfilling as we can.

We are again going to guarantee that all packages will be shipped out before Christmas.We want to get them out well before that, and some of you may even get your product as early as July or August.  None of the new Kickstarter releases or re-releases will be added to our webstore until all Kickstarter orders have been shipped out… and it is in our best interest to get these items available before the Christmas season… so we at Iron Wind are incentivized to get you your miniatures ASAP.

We would like to do a small, specialized Kickstarter after this one is fulfilled, and before Christmas, but we won’t even begin working on it until you get your minis.What will the new mini-Kickstarter be?A new Chaos Wars race?Maybe.Female Warriors for every race? Maybe.Some big monsters?Maybe.Honestly, if we get this fulfilled in time to do another small Kickstarter this year, we will be reaching out to our backers and give you a vote to determine which path we take.



Again, we are using $7,000 as our goal.Just enough to cover the cost of making the molds.We are aggressively pursuing a stretch goal of $100,000 which will allow us to have several more new miniatures sculpted, invest in some additional equipment, and other upgrades to ensure we continue to make the highest quality miniatures possible.


Immediately after this funding period ends, we will be at work, making the new production molds, spinning the castings, double-checking quality, and getting them packed and shipped to you.After that, we would like to do a low-cost (to you) kickstarter before Christmas, and if we have enough profit from this project, we’ll start commissioning new sculpts to fill in some of the figures we want to add to the Chaos Wars lines.Then early next year, we will look to do another large kickstarter (like this one).Every supporter of this kickstarter will get a vote to help determine what the focus of the next big Chaos Wars wave will be.We’re envisioning Chaos Warriors (and Demons) vs. Forces of Nature (Dryads, Fae, and Beastmen)… but that’s all in your hands.First we at IWM need to get this Kickstarter put together and shipped out successfully, and then you get to vote on the next project.


The better this kickstarter does, the more new sculpts we can commission, and eventually release.The more exposure the kickstarter gets, the more people we get playing the game.Our desire is to release more new sculpts and to grow the player base of the game.You can help us with that in the following ways:

  1. Sign up on the Forum at www.RalPartha.com and visit every once in a while.

  2. Email your friends about the project.

  3. On Facebook, like our page, and Share our posts.

  4. Write up a comment about the Chaos Wars and share it on a wargaming forum. Include a link to our site.

  5. Paint your miniatures and share those photos on www.Ral Partha.com, Facebook, and everywhere else that someone might see it.

  6.  Become a Demo Team member and help us spread the game to small conventions and local game stores across the country.


For those interested, a review of what we accomplished together, in the first wave of the Chaos Wars.


Please note, we are trying to keep shipping costs as low as possible.  If we could ship them to you for free, we would… but then all our casters and mold makers would starve… 

Our already low price per miniature makes it difficult for us to eat much of the shipping cost.  We hope you understand.


Thank you for taking the time to consider this project.

Together, we can make this project a success. We hope you’ll join us for the ride.


Mike, Marc, and Jacob

On behalf of the entire Iron Wind Metals crew

Contact us at:[email protected]

