In memory of the end of World War in 1945, introducing the GP1945 PRO Bolt Action Pen. AN NON-VIOLENT NON-SILENT PEN. Patenting.  




Refined the bolt action mechanism. We prototyped rounds and rounds to integrate the right amount of force, smooth turn-around corners to secure the tip in the pen instead of all over your pockets. Center Bolt placement is addictive and fun to fidget in 2 different holding positions.


A traditional whistle produces a monotone high pitch sound to grab attention from the rescuer. A monotone can be easily got lost in the wind. The GP1945 pen is integrated with a loud, up to 100 dB PRO whistle which is uniquely-designed to produce a variety of tones for attention.

Adjust the vibration of the body of air by sliding your fingers along the pen clip air tunnel while blowing the whistle. It is also a simple musical instrument, a bird attractor to bring you extra fun when it is not serving as your rescuer.

Finger rest area is precisely-machined with diamond knurling texture. It is dimensioned thoughtfully for a comfortable and sturdy grip while providing a quick reference to measurements of the commonly used 1” and 10mm.



Made of tungsten steel, the super compact glass breaker is on the top of the GP1945 Pen. Different than the regular window breaker pen that has a narrow front, 

The GP 1945 has a sharp but safer and wider push away tip. When the glass is breaking, the wider tip will push the fragments away from your hand in an emergency.


Passed a 4500 lbs Jeep Wrangler road test, the GP 1945 Bolt Action Pen is tough built for lifetime use.

2 level pocket clip catch accommodates thick and thin pockets. * Black ink refill size is compatible with LAMY M22, will continue to supply refill for online purchase after the campaign.

As your EDC champion, regardless you are a hard worker, nature explorer, outdoor adventurist, photographer, the GP 1945 in either Titanium or Aluminum will be your daily essential and be your warrior for many years to come.













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