Between now and April 30th we are going to select 1 Secret Project each day on BackerClub. And by supporting these projects you could win BackerBucks...potentially a LOT of BackerBucks! Here is how it works:
1. You will earn 2 entries into the contest for backing a Secret Project for any amount (even $1) before they are revealed on May 1.
2. You can also earn 2 entries by leaving a comment on the project's BackerClub page. It could be a constructive comment, a suggestion, a question or an encouragement. Whatever you think will help the creator be more successful in their project. After all, you are the experts!
3. BUT, if you back a Secret Project AND leave a comment for them on their BackerClub page, instead of just getting 2 or 4 entries, you'll get 10 or more entries (see below for numbers of entries you'll get depending on your rank):
10 entries (levels 1 & 2)
12 entries (levels 3 & 4)
14 entries (levels 5 & 6)
16 entries (level 7)
For more information on the contest see http://backerclub.co/lounge.php
How does $1 pledge help a campaign?
Updated with new rules April 2, 2015markalanbaker wrote:...Having run a number of campaigns myself, I can honestly say that KS backers usually don't realize how much a $1 or $5 thank-you pledge helps. It helps in at least 4 ways:
1) the greater the number of people who back a project, the more it encourages others to back
2) someone who backs even at $1 is another potential person to help spread the word through social media and in their own personal networks,
3) it is another person getting the project updates and who might respond to calls to action later in the campaign,
4) a backer is a backer in the eyes of the KS popularity ranking algorithm and so as a project creator it is wonderful to see someone put in a $1 pledge when they like a project, because even if the $1 itself doesn't make a huge difference toward their funding goal, it can give them more visibility on the KIckstarter site which in turn likely will result in more money being pledged...
Mark - Co-Founder
Updated with Marks "how far a $1 pledge goes April 8, 2015