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Backerclub keep asking the same pledge amount again & again

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:11 am
Backerclub keep requesting me to input pledge amount again for almost all project that I have successfully update the pledge amount several times. It is very trouble as it asked again, I have to go through all my indiegogo and Kickstarter history to get the amounts input again. Otherwise, I cannot surf the new projects in backerclub website. Please kindly help if possible. Thanks.

Re: Backerclub keep asking the pledge amount

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:43 am
by NancieK
I don't know if it's related, but this morning I had an email asking me to enter pledge amounts for a bunch of projects, most of which I knew I had already entered. I go to check my projects backed page, and all of the pledges are blank. Entering the pledge amounts the first time is enough of a pain in the a$$, I'm not thrilled to be re-entering them. :evil:

Re: Backerclub keep asking the pledge amount

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:45 am
same experiences. It happens many time already. Really bad.

Re: Backerclub keep asking the pledge amount

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:24 am
by Imran
Yeah, same here. I've been having this problem as well. Had to re-enter all pledges yesterday....and before that a few kept popping up every now a and then. I was sure I had already entered them before.

Re: Backerclub keep asking the same pledge amount again & ag

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:11 pm
by Jennifer Chun
This happened to me too.

Re: Backerclub keep asking the same pledge amount again & ag

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:53 pm
by TashaTurner
I'm not thrilled with this new feature at all

Re: Backerclub keep asking the same pledge amount again & ag

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:15 pm
by 50jerice
Happened to me again today - for at least the third time. I've backed hundreds of projects, and this is a pain in the neck.

Re: Backerclub keep asking the same pledge amount again & ag

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:43 am
by FatCatPeter
The entries for my backed Kickstarter projects have disappeared, as well, a few days ago. But I noticed that the entered pledge amounts for the Indiegogo projects are still there.

Can anybody else verify that only the pledge amounts for Kickstarter projects disappeared?

I have reported the problem of disappearing pledge amounts to Backerclub yesterday. Looks like Backerclub is (I quote from the very swift reply) "not actually experiencing any technical difficulties regarding pledges at the moment." I am providing some data so they can check on their end.
Has anybody else got in touch with Backerclub regarding this problem?

Re: Backerclub keep asking the same pledge amount again & ag

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:14 pm
by Siaba
I'm just wondering why we have to enter our pledges for each project? Each project page here lists how many backers, and how much we have pledges collectively, so it would seem that the site already has this information. Why do I need to enter it as well? It's also extremely annoying when I click on a link from the backerclub email to check out a new project, but I can't continue on until I have updated all of my pledges since the last time I visited the site.

Re: Backerclub keep asking the same pledge amount again & ag

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 11:24 pm
by TashaTurner
Siaba wrote:I'm just wondering why we have to enter our pledges for each project? Each project page here lists how many backers, and how much we have pledges collectively, so it would seem that the site already has this information. Why do I need to enter it as well? It's also extremely annoying when I click on a link from the backerclub email to check out a new project, but I can't continue on until I have updated all of my pledges since the last time I visited the site.
Some projects give BackerClub access. Others don't. Or Kickstarter's new changes this month may have fully locked them out. I'm not sure if we are being asked this information so:

1. Founders can market their product (us) better

2. Get a better idea of what kinds of projects we like

3. Let us see the impact we have

4. All or some combination of the above

5. Some reason I haven't thought of

As I've been saying since the club opened it would be really nice if the founders would communicate with us more.