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Anonymous backing on Indiegogo

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 4:07 pm
by rverwij
Hi everyone,

Whenever I press the 'Now on Indiegogo' button via Backerclub I get a pop-up message in my browser saying:

Note: to be eligible for the BackerClub special perk you cannot pledge anonymously on Indiegogo.
Anonymous pledges are hidden so our site cannot track your pledge to give you credit.

How do I change this? I have looked through the settings on Indiegogo and BackerClub... am I missing something??

Re: Anonymous backing on Indiegogo

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:20 am
by virtually connected
If you click on "My Contributions" you should see something like the attached picture ~ You may have to click on "View Order Details" to see & change visibility options (think BC's notice is just a reminder, not necessarily indicator you're anonymous)

You can also always check "Backers" on the campaign page to see if you're listed after you pledge ;)

Hope this helps!