Previous messages are quoted to provide context.
Werve wrote: ↑Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:23 pm
- I would therefore suggest to summarize in the video the operation of the product with graphics and / or animations especially of the features that differentiate it from the rest of the market, similar to those present in the description below so that you can immediately understand what you are looking at even if you do not pay attention to the entire text below. This includes the reference to the effectiveness against coronavirus. The new video I think should be less than 10 min long to be appreciated by a wide audience.
letscrowdcreate wrote: ↑Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:20 pm
Yes, we agree. We are going to add text callouts and also visualizations to show the differences with our product compared to the competitors. We understand that this is a product that requires in-depth explanation and education. Which format of video do you like the best? Hype/product focus, unboxing style, expert/doctor testimonials, or media feedback.
I definitely prefer visualizations regarding the product as it is built (product focus so), because the structure and numbers that indicate its features (and their effectiveness) are objective, immutable and verifiable, while opinions tend to be subjective and changeable over time.
Werve wrote: ↑Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:23 pm
Regarding the description of the product and its characteristics:
- It is described to you that the product uses two filtering steps: the first one by HEPA filter but there is no description in the same paragraph of the related H10 filtering level (which I noticed in an image only while writing this feedback)
Exactly. A presentation of which, how many, where they are and the effectiveness of the various filter layers as present in the first image:
letscrowdcreate wrote: ↑Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:20 pm
While I cannot speak to the competitors technology, HEPA and UVC light are the two most researched and effective ways to cleaning the air. Washing filters may create mold in your home, and not replacing filters is negating the effectiveness of an air purifier.
Since you said that the filters need to be changed every 6 months and the uv lamp every 9000 hours there is a way to understand when the time has come (for example a led that indicates the health of the components) or do you need to manually mark when you changed last time?
I also believe that although a washable filter not cleaned properly can create mold, having it instead of a disposable filter is worth the risk because in the long run it would create a better environmental impact and a greater likelihood to be able to use the device years after production, when the replacement parts may no longer be on sale (especially for people like me who do not stock up before but buy when needed). As I read already in another comment, reusability without depending on external factors and recurring costs, I think it is particularly requested by people, which could be the killer feature of the success of the product.
Werve wrote: ↑Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:23 pm
- About the comparison table (I don't know if you can do it freely) wouldn't it be better to include the most famous products as a comparison? So that even the user interested in changing his product or who already had an idea of what to buy can have more precise and concise information to encourage him to choose this project instead.
letscrowdcreate wrote: ↑Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:20 pm
Good feedback, we weren't able to include multiple competitors because it is not easily seen on mobile. Do you think we should have an image like this highlighting that indeed we have the most powerful and safest unit on the market? 
No, I think that such an image without explanations can generate other conflicting questions (for example: why is it better than such a famous product? Is it true?).
You could add the names of such famous products under the categories already present in the table, in the type row or since you can't lengthen the table because of the mobile vision I think you have to use another way to intuitively compare products, for example the use of the famous quality/price ratio. In this case, simplifying it could be calculated as follows:
SIZE = smallest tested particle size that the product can filter/purify
EFFICACY = estimated percentage of filtration of this particle (SIZE)
TIME = estimated time needed to purify a room of 100 square meters (as example, a fixed size)
COSTS = sum of estimated prices incurred in a year of use excluding factors external to the product such as electricity cost but including replacement parts costs
I am not an expert in this field, this is just an example of how you could compare products without a table of characteristics. Once you have calculated this value for the various products to compare you could say that your product has a better ratio of 100% (for example) than other competitors. In order not to make it difficult and long page you could provide the intermediate calculations in a link for example by writing "If you want to know how we came to this conclusion then look at the calculations made here".
In this way you would provide a verifiable argument and not a subjective one as it is a normal opinion and therefore more impressive and respectable.
Also in the current table "Whisper Quiet" and "Every 6 months" are colored full of green on your product but not on those compared with the same description (which I understand that makes yours stand out from the competitors but having the same text seems an inconsistency).
As I described above I try to make purchases that last over time and especially after having already bought and had experience with filter purifiers, I realized how problematic it is to rely on replacement parts that in most cases are of specific shape and that over time could stop being produced.
So even for me the characteristic of a product to be functional without relying on certain non-reusable components is fundamental and make the projects that claim to follow this behavior the first choice in my list of products to choose from. So I suggest changing the HEPA filter to a reusable one (or a different system) so it would certainly become a product that will be among the first that I will take into account.
As far as the UV lamp is concerned, if the product is sealed to not allow light leakage how can it be replaced?