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BeerDeCoded: the 1,000 beer genomes

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 5:30 pm
by mdtommyd
BeerDeCoded: the 1,000 beer genomes

An interesting idea. Map the genomes of enough beers and you'll have a handy reference guide to base future selections on.

I'm willing to do my bit for science.

Re: BeerDeCoded: the 1,000 beer genomes

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 4:30 pm
by TashaTurner
mdtommyd wrote:BeerDeCoded: the 1,000 beer genomes

An interesting idea. Map the genomes of enough beers and you'll have a handy reference guide to base future selections on.

I'm willing to do my bit for science.
Somebody has to sacrifice for science right?

Re: BeerDeCoded: the 1,000 beer genomes

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 6:02 pm
by mdtommyd
Yes. Someone has to suck it up. :D

Re: BeerDeCoded: the 1,000 beer genomes

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:43 am
by TashaTurner
A group of people I used to work with used to go out every Thursday after work to a pub after work which had 50 beers on tap & 50 bottled selections. You got a card and for each new one you tried they punched the number off. When you had a certain amount punched off you got rewards. If all 100 punched it was appetizers for 25. Every few months enough of us would finish off our cards we'd hold "department meetings" at the pub. It took a few months for the guys to ween me off of white Zinfandel. Turns out I really enjoy oatmeal stouts and other dark bears as well as things like raspberry wheats when done right. :D

Re: BeerDeCoded: the 1,000 beer genomes

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 11:15 am
by mdtommyd
I've turned to the dark side too. Oatmeal stouts, black IPAs, and porters are my favorites. I do like a good hefeweizen though - maybe it's the silty taste/feel. I'm sort of hoping that this genome thing might shed some light on quirks like that.

A pub in my area (100 live taps) has a passport club. Have to sample different beers and get the bartender to sign off on them. 50 different gets you a T shirt, 100 different and you get a supersized mug for life. Know some youngsters who are slowly working their way through the passport. When I pointed out to them it was going to cost them approx $800 just to get that large beer for life glass, they hung their heads. Appetizers seem like a better reward to me.

Re: BeerDeCoded: the 1,000 beer genomes

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 3:29 pm
by TashaTurner
The passport clubs do get you to stretch your comfort zone and possibly find you like more things. We got something at 25, 50, 75, and 100 I think. Certainly didn't come close to what we paid. It did keep us coming back to the same pub and for the younger set it made us beer snobs. After having good beer the younger guys weren't likely to drink Budweiser or Miller much anymore which had a few positive side effects:

1. Less stupid drunkeness (expensive)
2. They looked smarter when out with other "older than them" people & got treated with more respect
3. They looked more sophisticated to girls & found it was easier to start up a conversation when they could start it about a drink rather than using usual pick-up lines

I don't know if this works for all guys drinking with passport clubs or if it was specific to our group which was a mix of guys in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and a couple women and a pub which favored food over swag.

Re: BeerDeCoded: the 1,000 beer genomes

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:55 pm
by DarkCrow
I checked this one out because I'm a Homebrewer. I was hoping that they had a scientific way of figuring out the exact ingredients used to clone any beer. Now THAT would be awesome!!!!