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What categories on Kickstarter are your favorites?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:55 am
by Lobster
By far most of the projects I've backed are in the Games category (About 76%). I am often looking for indie games that support Linux. The next biggest is the Film & Video category (About 14%). I like to support animation-related projects. I don't really follow the other categories nearly as much. In the past I would look over Comic and Technology projects more than I do now.

What is your favorite category? What type of campaigns do you look for there?

Re: What categories on Kickstarter are your favorites?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:22 pm
by TashaTurner
According to the very pretty color wheel (wow I buy a lot of gifts for family & friends as an excuse to back causes I like):

Books and comics ~68% - Most are diversity based or written by friends/friends of friends. A number are also children's gifting for my nephews/niece (still frequently diversity oriented).

Design ~30% - gifts, technology to help others, iPad/iPhone, kitchen stuff

Technology ~25% - more lately as I've come to rely more on my iPad and iPhone and rarely use my computer as well as gifts for family and charitable causes (maker spaces and such)

Music 18% - most is something a bit different from mainstream, projects backed are eclectic, many stumbled upon

Film/video ~16% - documentaries mostly (diversity, historical), a few just for fun

Games ~15% - related to writing, diversity, funded/run/characters include good portrayals women/POC/-isms

I'm fairly eclectic - I think the main theme running through my backing is diversity & helping others IMHO (bigger picture of who benefits from a project)

Re: What categories on Kickstarter are your favorites?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:42 pm
by Diedre
Where do you find your color wheel?

I'm pretty sure it's going to show most of my purchases are in either Technology or Design with a few in Photography. I especially love well-designed technology for taking photographs. ;)

I'm looking forward to a year-long family-robot Project I backed, Rico. I pledged last October and it's projected to be ready this coming November. I think it's the longest Project I've ever backed.

The most I ever spent on one Project was for software to create iOS Apps ("MAGE"): over $2k for a custom application.

I wonder what the shortest Project I ever backed was. I'm not sure about that. Maybe the Wipebook 3.

Re: What categories on Kickstarter are your favorites?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:13 pm
by Rhonda T

You can see your pie chart on your public profile page that lists the projects that you have backed on the website. I don't think it is available in the current version of the app.

I am excited to see another BackerVlub member interested in Design and Tech. Half the projects that I have backed have been in the Design category, several in Tech , several in Food and then 1-2 each across crafts, games, photography, fashion, music film, and a few others.


Re: What categories on Kickstarter are your favorites?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:04 pm
by numbat1
Thanks for pointing me to the colour wheel. Mine seems to be in absolute numbers rather than percentages so I applied some math.

it seems I am all over the place. Surprisingly Design cam in first with approximately 32%, followed by Technology 20%, Games 18% (really thought that was higher), and Publishing 9%. The rest is divided between Fashion, Film and Video, Music, Food, Art, Photography, and Craft.

Re: What categories on Kickstarter are your favorites?

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:38 am
by Toren
About 85% of my backings are in the games category but I have a few spread among others.

Re: What categories on Kickstarter are your favorites?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:44 pm
by MechanisticMoth
I spend a lot of time in Games with the most focus on board games. I go into Comics the second most. If there's anything pro-diversity like stuff for/about women, people of different races, the LGBTQIA community, etc., then I normally back those to give them some support in whatever category. I often look at the most popular projects to see if I'm interested in jumping on that bandwagon. Also, I'm kind of hooked on stretch goals, so if there are good stretch goals with a high possibility of getting them, then I back it.

Re: What categories on Kickstarter are your favorites?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:22 am
by TashaTurner
Good to see someone else big on diversity. I'll have to post more of those projects when I back them over here for others to see. :mrgreen:

Re: What categories on Kickstarter are your favorites?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:59 pm
by MechanisticMoth
TashaTurner wrote:Good to see someone else big on diversity. I'll have to post more of those projects when I back them over here for others to see. :mrgreen:
Thanks, Tasha. Diversity is key to helping our modern society, and I find that Kickstarter is a good place to support projects with a lot of potential for spreading awareness and that diversity.

Re: What categories on Kickstarter are your favorites?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:38 pm
by numbat1
I certainly am more attracted to campaigns that promote or support diversity however I won't back them automatically. There have been some I thought were not a great project and/or would not have the desired affect.