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Kickstarter setup at my new job

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:13 pm
by rimaslagu79
Hello everyone, I recently got hired at a small company and my first project is that they want me to help them create a KS campaign for one of their new products they are finalizing now.

Problem is nobody has any previous experience (neither do i) on how to launch a successful KS campaign. I don’t think there has been any plan for pre-launch and they are trying to launch the campaign in the next week. I was told they are trying to ship products out by March 2021.

We’re currently finalizing the video for the campaign and are also editing the copy of the KS page. Other than that, there has been nothing else done. I honestly feel like it’s gonna flop because there has been no building up to the launch date. Also, the only reward you get when you back is the product itself and maybe a free bonus. No other smaller rewards for smaller pledges like other KS I’ve seen.

What would you suggest I do (or tell my boss)? Is it possible to get enough backers in this situation? Thank you for any advice in advance. 🙏🏼

Re: Kickstarter setup at my new job

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:46 am
by samprabhu
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