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Re: A uniquely magical experience for kids with low traffic

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 12:22 pm
by PopUp Play
Big update to the Kickstarter page last night and this morning.

A few items I know you will be specifically interested in:
1.A preview of the rocketship framework is now on the page. I'm really excited about this one.
2.There are before and after pictures of the Austin Maker Faire "durability test" on the page and in a backer update.
3.Android beta by end of December. mdtommyd, what device do you have?

Thanks again for the help everyone!

Re: A uniquely magical experience for kids with low traffic

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:00 pm
by mdtommyd
I'm Android. BTW, I wasn't planning on backing - most all friends & associates have grown kids but still some time before grandkids