Code Zero, skirmish miniatures game

Anything related to Kickstarter
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:59 pm

Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:43 pm




Code Zero is a 32mm miniatures game which simulates skirmishes and combat set within a sci-fi universe. Players take control of a small squad of troops, broken up into fireteams, competing with each other to achieve one or several objectives to complete their mission. These combat situations take place within a theater of war, on the borders along the core worlds of various factions. This area is often referred to as Code Zero.

Code Zero is designed to create a cinematic feel of gameplay, while reflecting the dynamic ebb and flow of the battle that can happen within any given engagement. The game systems utilizes an action/reaction system that allows both players to interact in a method to keep everyone entrenched with the battle and interacting with each other. By allowing a limited amount of activations between turns, it reflects a great amount of realism and flexibility, providing players with a wide variety of tactical and strategic options that they can employ during the game.


We will be approaching our Kickstarter a bit different than the traditional method.

A traditional Kickstarter sets a goal to create a full game. That goal is usually short of what is actually needed, with stretch goals/add-ons generating the funds for the remainder. This can often cause the core game to run into late delivery issues, creating multiple waves of shipping, or in rare cases, may even result in not delivering at all. By the time the backer receives the product, it has been so long that excitement has worn off or they have even forgotten about it.

The goal of this Kickstarter is to fund the creation of the Anazi Dynasty miniatures, one of the factions involved in the Code Zero game. We would like nothing more than for this kickstarter to be hugely successful, allowing us to fully fund the game and miniatures all at once, but decided on taking this different approach for many reasons.

Our plan by creating miniatures for each faction, one faction at a time, allows us to ensure we provide our best in a timely manner. This will let us run a smaller campaign, putting the full focus into each faction as we expand the game bit by bit. That means we can fund at a smaller amount which allows us to put the product into our backer’s hands quicker. Instead of waiting two years for something, you’ll have product within a fraction of the time.

Meanwhile we can start small and build the miniatures line while we release the Code Zero game rules in beta format to our backers. Although we are confident we can test and implement it in the traditional time, that often leads to rules being rushed out too soon. This results in sub-par rules, something that needs to be heavily revised within a few months of release. Our method will give backers a unique opportunity to help shape, adjust, and improve the game as we continue to build the product line. We really do value your feedback, and although we might not be able to implement every suggestion or idea, we will definitely listen and make adjustments where needed.

Although we have chosen the faction to produce first, backers will be able to help determine the next faction moving forward as well as what it could unlock. But don't worry, that does not mean we will be launching multiple campaigns at once! The plan is to fund, deliver, and then move on to the next campaign. That will allow us prove ourselves to you, the backers, as well as continuing to foster the growing trust we develop with you, our community. It also means we can learn, adjusting to any mistakes or issues encountered on the way. The slow and steady pace will allow us to better grow Code Zero with our community.


The initial scout fireteams for the Anazi Dynasty are unique in that most of their pieces are interchangeable. The differences in design between A and B is the head sculpt, where one has a facemask/exposed hair while the other is in a shemagh and their weapons. The legs poses are the same between the two fireteams but combined with the different torso, arms, weapon configurations you can create a dynamic group of miniatures. We also will have weapon/arm packs if you wanted to have a specific weapon makeup to create one for long range or short range. Originally we wanted to bring a group set, then have users be able to create their own versions. Unfortunately in resin this isn't economical in terms of pricing unlike if this was a plastic kit so the decision was made to make them separate configurations. We may revisit more customization in the future.

This is an example of using a different arm, weapon configuration within one of the fireteams.

The other fireteam is from the Federated Commonwealth, although not part of the Anazi Dynasty we needed to have an opposing unit because it is no fun simply fighting the same units. There are 4 individual models within this fireteam, which will be bigger than the Anazi as they are in powerarmor. These are the 2nd generation powersuits which are smaller but self-contained suits. They were decommissioned by the United Republic when they developed their newer current gen suits which were larger and bulkier. The Federated Commonwealth purchased the demilitarized units originally equipping them for mining asteroids and resources from less hospitable environments.
