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Hey BackerClub!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:44 pm
by charmfril
Hi BackerClub :) My name is Ariana and I just joined you all this week! I'm really excited to be part of a super special club of kickstarter enthusiasts! Here are a few fun facts about me..
1.Cat woman by day, graphic designer and coder by night.
2.I absolutely love pizza.
3.I taught myself how to play guitar, and I'm pretty good, but I can't sing to save my life.

I've backed some great projects here on Kickstarter since I've joined. The Selah Pad for Apple mouse, which I'm excited about since a lot of my day is spent on the computer. The fidgipen so I have something to fidget with while I sit on my computer. :D The World's Best Travel pillow, because I like to dream about the vacation I'll take someday. And LUXTREAUX, which is a pretty sweet glow in the dark sweatshirt. Because who doesn't want one of those 8-)
Thanks for reading!

My campaign: