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More fun with KS

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:34 pm
by Nani Blyleven
Hello fellow Backers! I just heard of this club from the Esington Glass project update. I am glad to join because I like to back projects at the Early Bird level, and apparently membership will provide a better chance of finding them.
I used to also do IndieGoGo, but quit them because there just seemed to be too many charity projects. I am glad that IndieGoGo is available for that purpose, and I did get a few nice rewards, but KS just is more to my liking.

Yesterday I saw a KS project that seemed a bit off and I was going to report it for what appeared to be misrepresentation, as the website link was only a Go Daddy link page. Also everything I read and saw just struck me as off. Having lost my money to three bad projects (felted soap, Victorian collection playing cards, and Camp Sunshine tv pilot), the pink piggy bank project ( ... =discovery) sent up all kinds of red flags. I hope I am wrong about it!

Re: More fun with KS

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:39 pm
by Nani Blyleven
How do you get into the lounges? I am not seeing a link on the lounges page.

Re: More fun with KS

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:10 pm
by numbat1
Hello Nani, and welcome.

I have not seen a way into the lounge as of yet. I suspect they are only open when there is specific level activity like a competition or similar. If not then maybe we can discover the secret together.

Re: More fun with KS

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:02 pm
by TashaTurner

Right now nothing is happening in the lounge. Back in November there was a contest. Updates should be show up in the Backerclub section of the forum to let us know when something new is going to happen with the lounge.