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Hello fro Philadelphia!

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:09 pm
by ChefDavid
I have been Facinated for some time with Crowdfunding.
I believe that Crowdfunding is the Future of Business Funding, and I'm trying to find out all about it.

I back projects that are Coffee, Food or BBQ Based, which are my Passions.

I am a Certified Executive Chef, by Trade.

I also back projects that provide Solutions in Disaster Situations, Sustainable Energy or Water Projects & Projects that do a Greater Good for Mankind. I do back a few Campaigns that Cool or Funny, but not regularly.

I would like one day, to acquire the nessessary tools & Skillset to Create some Campaigns on my own as a Creator. Feeling like this was one way to find out, how other Successful Campaigns are Launched and Completed.

I'm looking for a Mentor of Sorts to guide me into how to be the Best Campaign Creator, that I could be.

I have already purchased a DSLR Camera for shooting my Videos, with sound and lighting equipment, now I just have to figure out how to use them.

I would really like to join a Group of Backers, that would Critique Current Campaigns, and offer constructive Critisisms to make future Projects & Offerings, Better!

If anybody knows of such a Subset of folks, in our Backers Club, please message me about them.
If anybody knows of any material that teaches, on how to Start and Run a Successful Campaign, please tell me how to get my hands on these resources.

I have encountered severl "Kickstarter Consultants", that were jokes. It seemed like all of these folks, wanted you to put up a Campaign, just so that they could get a percentage. Providing very little value, for working with them.

I would also love to hear from any members, who have Particular Strategies, as to what they look for, for the Campaigns that they choose to Invest with.

I try to back one or two projects a week and not more than 5 projects a week.

When I believed that I may be able to offer, help with something, for a Campaign, that I was Backing, I would send an Email, but never, got any Creators, emails back, not sure, if that is normal, so I thought that I would ask everybody.

Re: Hello fro Philadelphia!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:15 pm
by Toren
Welcome to the club.
I was a chef for many years, including a personal chef at the end of my career.