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Greetings from sunny Boulder, Colorado!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:25 pm
by Diedre
Hello Fellow SuperBackers!

BackerClub is such a great idea! I'm so glad someone created it! What is the story behind BackerClub? Does anyone know it? Is the Founder(s) roaming about the Introduction Forum?

The Technology, Design and Photography categories attract most of my dollars, euros, krugerrands and pounds. Once in a while I'll back outside of those categories for something special (like for the Princess Bride playing cards - I LOVE that movie. It's tied for my favorite movie of all time with Airplane.).

I author a blog for people with bipolar disorder ( (and, yes, I have been diagnosed with Bipolar 1).

I know it's not always popular, but I'll admit I'm a libertarian who takes advantage of Colorado's legalization of marijuana for therapeutic as well as recreational purposes. Yes, I admit it. For recreational purposes. There. I said it. But don't let it get back to my dad. He would be livid.

My latest aspirations: develop an iOS app for mood journaling because all of the ones available now are blech. Maybe I should do a Kickstarter for it! LOL I never even thought of that until just now!

My other current aspiration (besides decluttering my house, cooking more often and redesigning the website) is to write a book. I've got three chapters drafted so far.

My tentative title is "Lessons from the Fire: What I Learned About Life from Bipolar Disorder." Do you like it? Would you pick it up to look inside? Is it too long for a title? Do you have a better idea for a title that conveys the same sort of concept?

I'm delighted to be a part of this proud and useful, contributing group. We make cool stuff happen. I hope you'll reply and that I'll have a chance to chat with you on the Forum.


Re: Greetings from sunny Boulder, Colorado!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:27 pm
by numbat1
Welcome Diedre.

I wish you had found us in time to back given your goal of producing an app. Follow up on it though, I think they also made it available post KS, though our BackerClub reward was awesome. I really wish I had had the $499 available to back at that level and receive the full $4999 level for it. Ah well.

I think your proposed book title is fine, a short catch with a more informative description following.

I have already seen some of your posts appearing in the forums, so I am guessing we will be chatting in the near future.

Re: Greetings from sunny Boulder, Colorado!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:14 pm
by TashaTurner
Welcome. Sounds like you have some good goals and tackle some tough issues. Love that you've jumped right in participating in conversations.