Happy to be here!

Welcome to the Club. Say "Hi!"
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Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:09 am

Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:15 pm

I've been on kickstarter since April/ May of last year, 2014. Since then, I developed a bit of an addiction, but learned early on to be careful to only spend what I can, and to support even if it isn't a lot, just to keep numbers up. I love kickstarter and the many wonderful things it's enabled to happen. I heard about this site from a local project creator, who had brought his game to demo at a very small local college con, when he heard how many projects I had joined he sent me right here.
I tend to pledge projects geared towards gaming (I also have a dice addiction...), books, but have also joined on wth crafts, cookbooks, audio hardware, and even a nail polish project, anything geeky just draws me in.
My last thoughts here are that I have been very lucky with my projects. I've heard stories from a few friends of projects that didn't turn out well, either due to the end result not meeting what was promised, or problems with the creator. I have truly enjoyed the products, the comraderie of the other pledgers (exploding kittens, we went a wee bit overboard there), or the creator themselves ( the one who reminded me that I had actually pledged to 80+ projects in 9 months...)
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Joined: Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:40 pm
Location: Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:50 pm

Let me be the first to welcome you aboard!

Glad you haven't hit problems yet, but I'm afraid that they will come. I currently have 3 Creators that are WAY past delivery and haven't posted/replied anything/anywhere in several months. I'm kind of writing them off, but still hopeful that something will happen. I also had a project go completely belly-up, but the Creator had been keeping us in the loop and when he realized he just was NOT going to be able to deliver, issued partial refunds out of what was left.

Hope your stay here is an excellent one!
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Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:29 am
Location: NJ

Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:17 am

Welcome. I backed Exploding Kittens. Things seem pretty crazy in the comments still. ;)

Both backers and creators comment on the number of projects I've backed. Some impressed, some make fun of, no question I've got an addiction problem. I'm Goid for making others feel not so bad about how many projects they've backed. :mrgreen:
-Tasha http://www.kickstarter.com/profile/479254504
Backed over 3,700 Kickstarters
Social media coach http://tasha-turner.com @turner_tasha
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